Multihead Scale
General Description
The EU12 multi-head scale is manufactured by Uniekum under license. It is a circular head scale with 12 weighing stations. The product falls into the middle of the scale which guarantees an equal distribution of the product. The computer automaticly selects the correct combination from the 12 weighing stations. This allows the machine to weigh the product quickly and accurately.
The weighing stations and vibration gutters are made from stainless-steel and can easily be stripped for cleaning and repairs. The electronic control system works through a touchscreen. The interactive control system is standard and can communicate with any packaging machines.
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Standard Unit: |
– 12 weighing stations |
– 12 vibrasion gutters for productfeed |
– central feed for maximum filling |
– Remote control and monitoring via internet possible |
– Capacity +/- 17 weightings per minute for 10kg bags |
– Control panel with touchscreen |
– Compressed air connection +/- 5 bar required |
– Electrical requirements 380V+N+GRN |